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United States Marine Corps Scout (Tank) and Sniper Company

The United States Marine Corps Scout and Sniper companies and the Scouts (Tank) companies of the tank battalions were the first among the division's reconnaissance assets. They existed around the same exact moment when 1st and 2nd Marine Division were created. In 1941, each regiment had a scout and sniper platoon. They were assigned to the regimental Headquarters and Service Company. These companies were used in variety of tasks and, on occasion in severe combat, were used as "spare" rifle companies. When 6th Marine Division deactivated after the end of World War II, its recon assets also deactivated. Only the current Marine Division Recon Battalions that exist today hold history reference to the Scout and Sniper Companies.

Many of their scouts and snipers companies were reinforced with tanks for speed and added firepower. These later developed into the Division recon companies (later battalions) that are presently operating in the Marine Regiments today; also forging the Marine Corps modern Scout Sniper teams that are existence. Later in the 1980s, the Light Armored Reconnaissance (LAR) battalions were born from reinforced light tank concept of World War II, remolding the mission plans for division recon. Although this has taken away their expedient armored reconnaissance roles, it was preserved and improved by the LAR battalions.

While the two Marine divisions, (1st and 2nd Marine Division), were still fresh, many of the regimental intelligence sections (G-2) approached reconnaissance differently from the VAC's FMF Amphib Recon Company. Each of the specialized schools were followed by individual training back in the Corps's parent organization. This was normally scheduled by the company commander or the battalion commander. Each unit had its own means of training its Marines from the lessons learned from previous organization's last recon entry behind enemy territory. They kept individual and unit training at a high level of proficiency.

