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Up to isomorphism

In mathematics, the phrase up to appears in discussions about the elements of a set (say S), and the conditions under which subsets of those elements may be considered equivalent. The statement "elements a and b of set S are equivalent up to X" means that a and b are equivalent if criterion X (such as rotation or permutation) is ignored. That is, a and b can be transformed into one another if a transform corresponding to X (rotation, permutation etc.) is applied.

Looking at the entire set S, when X is ignored the elements can be arranged in subsets whose elements are equivalent ("equivalent up to X"). Such subsets are called "equivalence classes".

If X is some property or process, the phrase "up to X" means "disregarding a possible difference in X". For instance the statement "an integer's prime factorization is unique up to ordering", means that the prime factorization is unique if we disregard the order of the factors. We might say "the solution to an indefinite integral is f(x), up to addition by a constant", meaning that the added constant is not the focus here, the solution f(x) is, and that the addition of a constant is to be regarded as a background, of secondary focus. Further examples concerning up to isomorphism, up to permutations and up to rotations are described below.

In informal contexts, mathematicians often use the word modulo (or simply "mod") for similar purposes, as in "modulo isomorphism".

A simple example is "there are seven reflecting tetrominos, up to rotations", which makes reference to the seven possible contiguous arrangements of tetrominoes (collections of four unit squares arranged to connect on at least one side) which are frequently thought of as the seven Tetris pieces (O, I, L, J, T, S, Z.) This could also be written "there are five tetrominos, up to reflections and rotations", which would take account of the perspective that L and J could be thought of as the same piece, reflected, as well as that S and Z could be seen as the same. The Tetris game does not allow reflections, so the former notation is likely to seem more natural.

