Please, beware: Proverbs 18:2
"King's Highway": Brian Blade and The Fellowship Band and uploaded with Brian's kind permission by chicagomusicexchange on YouTube
....... edit count
-- Thank you, Christopher Howse in The Daily Telegraph, how very accurate (emphasis added).
Question 1
Please tick all that apply from the list above and explain why, with reliable references
(N.B. it doesn't have to be a true answer)
Please then gain consensus for your answer, from amongst a random sample of 934 strangely pseudonymic volunteer participants, before proceeding to Question 2
Note: This question is worth a maximum of 0 marks
Marks will be deducted for obvious expressions of exasperation or humour
Please show a full record of your working on the Talk Page Jotter provided
Sleep is optional
Please begin again yesterday
Question 57
(note: Questions 2-56 have been speedily deleted for copyright infringement)
Please answer using the following cultural conventions:
Modern contributors may respond thus: "Now just a moment, dude, let's take a rain-check on the underlying synergies here, we need to explore a few more dynamic possibilities for rationally ostensible underpinnings.... ".
Traditional contributors may respond thus: "F*ck off you useless piece of US college sh*t, go "troll yourself"!! (.. ye olde "Lancan-cester-shire greeting")
Note: This question is worth a maximum of 100 marks
Up to 99 marks will be deducted for not re-stating at least six arguments that have been archived in the last two years.
Please turn over your paper when you hear the bell.