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User:Pyxis Solitary

A few words from Pyxis:

So .........

Let's break out the booze and have a ball ....

Copy Editor
Editor (Publishing)
Journalist (Print / Wire service / Television)

I fix
I add
I stay behind the curtain.

Edited, updated, extensively expanded:


Examples of 'Before' & 'After':

Cold Squad

Desert Hearts

If you are interested in a comprehensive, all-encompassing source of information about Lost Girl, visit .

In case someone questions my connection to Lost Girl: I am not and have never been involved in the production of Lost Girl, nor its official publicity and promotion. Neither am I associated with Prodigy Pictures Inc., Showcase, Shaw Media ... or anyone connected to said companies.

(Under a different user name than used in and for the . But no, I won't reveal what it is. And whenever possible I decline from having my user name appear as a contributing editor. IMDb knows my history and that's enough.)

Some of my favorite songs & lyrics:

I Have the Room Above Her

I have the room above her.
She doesn't know I love her.
How could she know I love her,
Sitting in her room below?
Sitting in her room below,
How could she dream
How far a dream could go?

Sometimes we meet. She smiles
And oh, her smile's divine.
It's such a treat to hear her say,
'Hasn't the weather been fine?'

I blush and stammer badly.
My heart is beating madly.
Then she goes into her room,
And I go sadly up to mine.

A lover more impetuous than I
Would say h[er] say and know the reason why
But when I get my chance
I let my chance go by.

I have the room above her.
She doesn't know I love her.
How could she know I love her,
Sitting in her room below?
Sitting in her room below,
How could she dream
How far a dream could go?

Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II
from Show Boat

Down in the Depths (On the Ninetieth Floor)

With a million neon rainbows burning below me,
And a million blazing taxis raising a roar,
Here I sit, above the town,
In my pet-pailletted gown,
Down in the depths on the ninetieth floor.

While the crowds in all the nightclubs punish the parquet,
And the bars are packed with couples calling for more,
I'm deserted and depressed
In my regal-eagle nest,
Down in the depths on the ninetieth floor.

When the only one you wanted wants another,
What's the use of swank and cash in a bank galore?
Why, even the janitor's wife
Has a perfectly good love life.

And here am I,
Facing tomorrow,
Alone in my sorrow,
Down in the depths on the ninetieth floor.

When the only one you wanted wants another,
What's the use of swank and cash in a bank galore?
Why, even the janitor's wife
Has a perfectly good love life.

And here am I,
Facing tomorrow,
Alone in my sorrow,
Down in the depths on the ninetieth floor.

Cole Porter
perf. by Lisa Stansfield

