You can get in touch with me through a number of different methods. My is available to take messages, but please feel free to for sensitive issues. Hopefully, I'll be able to respond to your message(s) soon. If not, I'll respond to them when I get to it.
I'm probably one of the nicest editors there is around, and I do like to help people, but please don't harass or provoke me. I won't retaliate, I'll merely revert. That being said, feel free to ask me any questions you have, just be civil, and don't personally attack other editors.
If you have concerns about my editing habits or general behavior, please address them on . You have my assurance that I have acted in good faith, based on my experiences with article writing and . I am not out to get anybody, and hold no strong views on large groups of articles, however individually review each article and make independent decisions. If you still have questions regarding my conduct, please feel free to address it.
Below is a list of articles I have created or have significantly contributed to. Articles in italics are articles I have significantly contributed to, but did not create. (For an automated list of articles I created, click here.) Some articles listed below have a certain status(es) such as WP:ITN, WP:DYK, WP:GA, WP:FA, etc. The following key indicates which icon refers to what status:
If you make a big oops, we'll fix it.
No RfXs since 01:10, 14 August 2017 (UTC).—cyberbot I:Online