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Personal Life
Birthdate: 6 May
Birthplace: Trivandrum, Kerala
Residence: Bangalore, Karnataka
Profession: Software Engineer
Languages: English, Hindi, Malayalam & Tamil
Blog: dreamingcherries.com
Website: tinucherian.com
Twitter @tinucherian
Username: Tinucherian
Registered on: 07 August 2006
First Live edit: 02 July 2007
User group: Administrator, BAG member, Bot Operator.
: 52,000+
My BAG nom BAG/Tinucherian
My RFA: WP:RFA/Tinucherian
Current signature: -- Tinu
Admimn stats
Admin statistics
Action Count
Edits 51822
Edits+Deleted 54623
Pages deleted 27
Revisions deleted 1
Pages restored 2
Pages protected 67
Pages unprotected 1
Protections modified 12
Users blocked 1
User rights modified 5
Users created 112

Refresh Time

Greetings, I am Cherian Tinu Abraham, a software engineer from India's Silicon Valley, Bangalore,.

I am a former Board Member ( Executive Committee) & Previously, Head of Communications, PR & Media Relations of the .

My areas of interest and expertise include Computers, Computing, Networking, Programming, Software, Internet, Gaming, India, Kerala, Tourism, Christianity, Christianity in India, States and territories of India, Politics, Indian history, Geography etc. and many more...

If you've come across an edit of mine , please know that everything I do around here is an attempt to help this project. If you have a problem with any of my edits here, or if you're part of an area you think I could be of assistance in, please let me know at my ...

 • Updated DYK query.svg Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai  • Updated DYK query.svg Akkamma Cherian  • Updated DYK query.svg Vakkom Moulavi  • Cherian Philip  • Anna Chandy  • Punnathara Mar Dionysious (Mar Thoma XI)  • Sadhu Kochu Kunju Upadesi  • Mar Thoma IV  • Dr. George Thomas  • Kochouseph Chittilappilly  • Deep Joshi •

