A V Bird Airbus A320
Commenced operations | 27 October 2003 |
Ceased operations | January 2005 |
Operating bases | Maastricht Aachen Airport |
V Bird (IATA: VX, ICAO: VBA, Call sign: VeeBee) (V Bird Airlines Netherlands BV) was a low-cost airline based in the Netherlands which operated services to northern and southern Europe. Its head office was on the grounds of Maastricht Aachen Airport in Beek, Netherlands.
The airline was established in 2003 and started operations on 27 October 2003. The airline suspended operations on 8 October 2004 and filed for and was subsequently granted bankruptcy on 18 October 2004. V Bird received an offer from an unnamed potential backer three days later with a view to restarting operations, but the airline was liquidated in early January 2005.
The V Bird fleet consisted of 4 Airbus A320-200 aircraft.