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Vigilant Warrior

Operation Vigilant Warrior (Arabic: عملية المحارب اليقظ‎‎) was a military operation from 8 October 1994 to 15 December 1994 by the United States in response to two divisions of Iraqi Republican Guard troops moving toward the Kuwaiti border. A quick response by United States President Bill Clinton allowed USCENTAF command and staff to deploy to Riyadh within days.

Operation Vigilant Warrior On 3 OCT 94, Company C, Second Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne); (C/2/5 SFG(A); was deployed on IRIS GOLD 95-1 for presences forward and pre-mission training with selected elements of the Kuwait Ministry of Defense (MOD). The training mission rapidly transitioned to defense of Kuwait operation establishing a Combat Air Support (CAS) umbrella over the entire northern third of the State of Kuwait employing five (5) each Special Forces, A-Teams, task organized and deploying 15 Forward Air Control (FAC) Teams.

Over a 16-day period C/2/5 SFG (A) provided; composition and disposition of all forces arrayed in the Kuwait Defense Plan (KDP); de-confliction of the main battle area; anti-fratricide capability; and real time ground truth in the battle space.

C/2/5 SFG (A) maintained the CAS umbrella continuously until elements of 1st Brigade of the 24 Infantry Division (Mechanized) arrived in Kuwait and established an operational capability on or about 19 OCT 1994.

Operational Outcome: Army Prepositioned Stocks (APS) concept could not adequately respond to tactical threats emerging in the Persian Gulf area.

Strategic Outcome: The Strategic Operational gap analysis indicated in order to protect U.S. National Interest on the Arabian Peninsula; requires establishment of Brigade Combat Team (BCT) in the State of Kuwait.

On the evening of 7 October 1994, 1st Brigade of the 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) based at Fort Stewart GA went on alert. The following day, lead elements of that Brigade, consisting of four line companies each from the 2/7 Infantry Battalion and 3/69 Armor Battalion plus the 2/7 Infantry Battalion Headquarters, deployed by air on orders to Camp Doha, Kuwait. Those elements completed the air movement within 48 hours. Within 72 hours, that reinforced brigade drew pre-positioned equipment stored at Camp Doha In addition two Patriot missile batteries from Fort Polk, Louisiana were dispatched to theater.

