Viktor Arkadyevich Tyulkin (Russian: Виктор Аркадьевич Тюлькин) (born May 14, 1951 in Vladivostok) is a Russian Communist politician. Tyulkin is the leader of the Russian Communist Workers' Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists (RKRP-RPK), a Communist hardline party. The RKRP-RPK considers the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) to be reformist, but in the 2003 Duma Election Party leaders joined with the CPRF in an effort to consolidate the communist vote. Tyulkin was elected to the Duma for CPRF, while remaining a member of RKRP-RPK.
Tyulkin was born into a Soviet naval officer's family. He is married with two sons.
One of Tyulkin's grandfathers was Volodimir Tyulkin – a member of РКП (б) from 1919, a participant in the Russian Civil War and the Great Fatherland war (Великой of Domestic wars), and a colonel in the Red Army. His other grandfather was a member of the РСДРП (б) and in 1914 became the first chairman of Shlisselbourg advice council. He was killed in 1919 during the defense of Петрограда against the armies of Yudenich. His father was a communist and a colonel in the Soviet Army. His mother defended Leningrad during all 900 days of blockade during World War II..
He obtained a [281-ю average](sic) including extensive study of chemistry at the school of Leningrad. During 1968–1974, Tyulkin studied at the Leningrad military-mechanical university graduating as a Mechanical engineer specializing in "Dynamics of flight and their management". From 1974, he worked as foreman, senior foreman and chief of site at Leningrad Northern factory. From 1980 he successively moved from chief of site to chief of shop and chief of a technical department in a factory engaged in avant-garde research and production.