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The Voltaire Network (French: Réseau Voltaire) is a Lebanon-based alternative media outlet with connections in South America and the Middle East that and expounds conspiracy theories, notably relating to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The organisation was founded in 1994 as a left-wing think tank in support of free speech and secularism in France. It split in 2003 and was disbanded in 2007. It was re-founded as the International Voltaire Network (Réseau Voltaire International) in Lebanon and aimed at propagating conspiracy theories, support of Syrian and Iranian governments. Its current leader is Thierry Meyssan.

The Voltaire Network publishes a free website available in 17 languages (Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and others) and two online databases.

The Voltaire Network was founded in the context of a campaign in favour of freedom of speech, which the founders thought was put into jeopardy by new laws enshrined in the French penal code. After the campaign the association lived on, specialising in the study of far-right movements and religions. It was vocal notably in preventing the French government from funding the religious part of the Pope's visit to France, and in initiating an investigation of the French Parliament regarding the French far-right militia group Department of Protection-Security. Since 1999, the Réseau Voltaire has dealt with international issues, including daily news about the bombings of Serbia by NATO.

