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Western Aragonese

The Aragonese language has many local varieties, which are grouped in valley varieties or comarca varieties. The term dialect is ambiguous and it can be used to refer to well-known valley varieties, such as cheso or ansotano. The best-known classification, by Francho Nagore, divides all Aragonese varieties in four groups or main dialects: Western, Central, Southern, and Eastern.

The eastern area includes a large part of the historic county of Ribagorza, plus eastern parts of Sobrarbe, and has many features in common with Catalan, with increasing similarity as one moves east.

Some common features of the group are:

The Western Aragonese area corresponds to the Jacetania region, plus part of Alto Gállego and a few towns in Cinco Villas. Western dialects include Ansó Aragonese, Hecho Aragonese, Aragüés Aragonese, and Aísa Aragonese.

Common features:

Southern dialects include Nevalese. They are the ones more influenced by the Spanish language, and in recent times most of them have lost all but a few of their Aragonese features, merging with the Spanish dialects spoken to the south of the area.

Corresponds to part of Alto Gállego and western parts of Sobrarbe. Features:

