In mathematics, in linear algebra, a Weyr canonical form (or, Weyr form or Weyr matrix) is a square matrix satisfying certain conditions. A square matrix is said to be in the Weyr canonical form if the matrix satisfies the conditions defining the Weyr canonical form. The Weyr form was discovered by the Czech mathematician Eduard Weyr in 1885. The Weyr form did not become popular among mathematicians and it was overshadowed by the closely related, but distinct, canonical form known by the name Jordan canonical form. The Weyr form has been rediscovered several times since Weyr’s original discovery in 1885. This form has been variously called as modified Jordan form, reordered Jordan form, second Jordan form, and H-form. The current terminology is credited to Shapiro who introduced it in a paper published in the American Mathematical Monthly in 1999.
Recently several applications have been found for the Weyr matrix. Of particular interest is an application of the Weyr matrix in the study of phylogenetic invariants in biomathematics.
A basic Weyr matrix with eigenvalue is an matrix of the following form: There is a partition