The World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) is an international research organization dedicated to transportation research. The scope of the society is multi-modal, multi-disciplinary, and multi-sectorial transportation research. The Society organizes every three years the World Conferences on Transportation Research in different parts of the world. The WCTRS has representatives and members in 67 countries and geographical areas around the World. Currently Professor Yoshi Hayashi from Nagoya University (Japan) is the president.
The Society and the Conference intend to play a strong leadership role in bridging the gaps between research and practice. The objective of the WCTRS is to provide a forum for the interchange of ideas among transportation researchers, managers, policy makers, and educators from all over the world, from a perspective which is multi-modal, multi-disciplinary, and multi-sectorial.
The WCTRS organizes a triennial research conference. The next World Conference on Transportation Research will be organized at Shanghai in China and will take place in the boreal summer of 2016.
Previous conferences took place in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Oceania