The classical XY model (sometimes also called classical rotor (rotator) model or O(2) model) is a lattice model of statistical mechanics. It is the special case of the n-vector model for n = 2.
Given a D-dimensional lattice Λ, per each lattice site j ∈ Λ there is a two-dimensional, unit-length vector sj = (cos θj, sin θj)
The spin configuration, s = (sj)j ∈ Λ is an assignment of the angle −π < θj ≤ π for each j ∈ Λ.
Given a translation-invariant interaction Jij = J(i − j) and a point dependent external field , the configuration energy is
The case in which Jij = 0 except for ij nearest neighbor is called nearest neighbor case.
The configuration probability is given by the Boltzmann distribution with inverse temperature β ≥ 0:
where Z is the normalization, or partition function. The notation indicates the expectation of the random variable A(s) in the infinite volume limit, after periodic boundary conditions have been imposed.