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Yonason David

Yonasan Dovid David (also known as Jonathan Dovid David) is a Haredi rabbi and rosh yeshiva (dean) of Yeshiva Pachad Yitzchok and Kollel Ohr Eliyahu in the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem. He also serves as the co-rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin together with Rabbi Aaron Schechter in Brooklyn, New York.

David is married to Dr. Bruria David, the only child of Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner. His brother is Rabbi Hillel David, a noted posek (decisor of Jewish law) in Brooklyn. David is often cited as a notable source within the Haredi world's intellectual circles.

David became a disciple of Hutner when he enrolled at the Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin as a teenager. He subsequently also spent time at the Mir yeshiva in Jerusalem.

A number of years prior to his passing in 1980, Hutner officially announced that Schechter and David would both serve as equal rosh yeshivas of Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin. This was done when the yeshiva moved to its location on Coney Island Avenue in 1966 and Hutner declared to all present that henceforth Rabbis Schechter and David would both sit at the front of the main beth midrash (the main study hall of the yeshiva), with Schechter sitting at the front right, David at the front left, and Hutner in the center. Even after Hutner's death, the center seat was left empty, with Schechter continuing to occupy the front right position. David resides in Jerusalem for most of the year, but returns to Brooklyn for most of the Hebrew month of Nisan to celebrate Passover and for some of the month of Tishrei. During those times, he serves as co-rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin together with Schechter, and occupies the front left seat.

