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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about McDonald's foods
piglix posted in Food & drink by Galactic Guru

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Shamrock Shake

imageShamrock Shake

The Shamrock Shake is a seasonal green-dyed mint-flavored milkshake dessert sold at McDonald's during March to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

The Shamrock Shake was first introduced in 1970. Rogers Merchandising in Chicago created the shake. Initially, the shake was lemon/lime flavored with vanilla ice cream, lemon/lime sherbet, and vanilla syrup. By 1973, the shake was merely a green colored vanilla shake, eliminating the lemon/lime sherbet. It is now mint flavored.

Shamrock Shakes are sold at all U.S. and select Canadian stores during the months of February and March, as well as in Ireland.

During the 1980s, McDonald’s used the Uncle O'Grimacey character to market Shamrock Shakes, which was a green version of Grimace who came to visit in March. McDonald's has since phased out that character from their mascot lineup.

In 1980, McDonald's introduced the Shamrock Sundae which consisted of vanilla ice cream topped with a mint green Shamrock syrup. The product was discontinued after one year due to poor sales.

In 2017 McDonald's introduced a few variants of the Shamrock Shake including the Shamrock Chocolate Shake, the Shamrock Chocolate Chip Frappé, the Shamrock Mocha, and the Shamrock Hot Chocolate.


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Snack Wrap


The McDonald brothers' original restaurant served only hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, milkshakes, and the original pre-1960s type of French fries. Today's McDonald's menu includes numerous other items that have been added through the years. Below are listed the basic items sold by the company.

All beef patties are seasoned, consisting primarily of salt and minced pepper.

In mid-February 2012, McDonald's has introduced the Happy Meals/Mighty Kids Meals so that they now come with either a Hamburger, Cheeseburger, 4 piece Chicken McNuggets, McDouble or the 6-piece Chicken McNuggets with a smaller version of the small fry for the Happy Meal or a small fry for a Mighty Kids Meal. All kids meals now come with fries, apple slices and a toy. The apple slices have been reduced from 8 slices to only 4 and no longer come with caramel dipping sauce.

McDonald's introduced breakfast foods in 1972.

Beverages purveyed by McDonald's varies regionally.


