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Alexander Keith%27s Brewery


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All or Nothing Brewhouse

All or Nothing Brewhouse was founded by brothers Jeff and Eric Dornan in early 2014 in Oshawa, Ontario. The company's mission is to be the #1 wheat beer producer in Canada. The company started as a contract brewery, brewing their beer out of a third party facility in Toronto, Ontario. In July 2016 All or Nothing acquired a group of companies being Trafalgar Ales & Meads, Trafalgar Artisanal Distillery and Pioneer Black Creek Brewery to gain access to bricks and mortar production. Trafalgar Ales & Meads prior to acquisition was one of the oldest breweries still operating in the Province of Ontario having been founded in 1993. All or Nothings first beer to market is their "All or Nothing Hopfenweisse", which is a lightly hopped German Weisse beer. The company was founded as Underdog's Brewhouse but, due to a trademark dispute with another craft beer producer, All or Nothing choose to change their name to All or Nothing Brewhouse to avoid a lengthy court battle. All or Nothing Brewhouse is currently a member of the Ontario Craft Brewers Association which represents the majority of breweries in the Province of Ontario.

The company currently has its beer for sale in the LCBO, Beer Store, National & Independent grocers across Ontario. These locations may grow with the recent changes in 2015 to allow for beer to be sold in grocery stores in Ontario; it could give the company more avenues for sales. All or Nothing takes part in a variety of beer festivals around the Province of Ontario one of which is the Toronto's Festival of Beer which sees over 30,000+ people pass through the festival gates over the course of the weekend.

The brewery features their two mascots prominently on all marketing materials. The two characters on their packaging are named Cornelius Das Weisse and Lennox "The Legacy" Lager

The company has a collection of vintage fridges that they bring with them to various regional beer events.


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Big Rock Brewery

imageBig Rock Brewery Inc.

Big Rock Brewery is a Canadian public company with offices and a brewery located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Big Rock distributes its products in Alberta and several other Canadian provinces.

The brewery was founded in 1985 by Ed McNally.

A lawyer by trade, McNally was representing a group of barley growers in a legal action against the Alberta Wheat Board in the 1980s. Through the course of the legal action, McNally learned that the Alberta climate produces 2-row barley that is ideally suited for malting, and had access to glacial water from the nearby Rocky Mountains.

At the time, most barley production in Alberta was used as cattle feed. With an entrepreneurial background, McNally decided to open a craft brewery. The name "Big Rock" was chosen from a large glacial rock located outside of the town of Okotoks, 18 km (11 mi) south of Calgary.

The first brewmaster was Bernd "Peppy" Pieper, a German brewmaster for Heineken International. In the summer of 1986, when Big Rock had been in production for only a year, there was a strike at the Molson and Labatt, the two largest domestic breweries. This proved to be a windfall for Big Rock, as it was the only beer available in Alberta that summer. The brewery operated around the clock to meet demand for the entire summer, and sales doubled.

The second brewmaster was Larry Kerwin, a former brewmaster for Molson. Kerwin started as a brewer at Big Rock under Pieper in 1994, and took over as brewmaster in 1998 when Pieper retired.

The third (and current) brewmaster is Paul Gautreau. Gautreau joined Big Rock in 1986 as its fourth employee, and worked in marketing and operational capacities before replacing Kerwin as brewmaster.

In 2008 Big Rock Brewery had 520 employees and 54 million CAD market capitalization.

Ed McNally, who was made a member of the Order of Canada and awarded the Alberta Centennial Medal in 2005, later retired from day-to-day operation of the company, retaining the ceremonial title "Chairman Emeritus" until his death in August 2014.

In order to serve the growing market in the province of British Columbia, a new brewery was built in Vancouver, and is expected to start production in 2015.

Alberta Genuine Draft, Bow Valley Lager, Bow Valley Strong are inexpensive beers brewed for their alcohol content.


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Brava (beer)

Brava is a 4.9% pale lager which is brewed by the Lakeport Brewing Company which is owned by Labatt. It is a discount brand similar to Lakeport's other beers. It is currently available in bottle six packs, twelve packs and cases of 24 and 28. It is also available in 15 packs of cans. It is very popular at 90 Mission Ave. Brava is a similar beer to Corona and Sol.


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Carling Black Label

imageBlack Label

Black Label is a Canadian brand of lager distributed by Carling and well-known throughout the former British Empire. In several countries, it is also known as Carling Black Label, and in Sweden, it is known as Carling Premier. However, in the United Kingdom it is now known as just Carling in response to public demand for a snappier call at the bar (according to the company).

Although its original focus was on ale, Carling has been brewing lager-style beers since the 1870s. In 1927, as part of an overall corporate re-branding effort under new president J. Innes Carling, the company renamed its already popular Black & White Lager to Black Label.

Three years later, Carling was purchased by Toronto business tycoon E. P. Taylor, who merged the company into his Canadian Breweries Limited (CBL), which grew to be the world's largest brewing company, at least for a time. Under Taylor, Black Label was promoted as CBL's flagship brand and went on to become the world's first beer to be brewed on a mass international scale, becoming particularly popular in Commonwealth countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

In response to a shift in popular taste away from ale, Carling added a three-story lager plant to their main London, Ontario, brewery in 1877. Carling's Lager (later renamed Carling's Bavarian Stock Lager, and then Carling's Imperial Club Lager) was the company's first lager brand. Carling's Black & White Lager was introduced in the 1920s and later renamed Black Label Lager, in contrast to their recently launched Red Cap Ale.

Due to its strength and price, the brand quickly became popular with the country's working class, perhaps most famously among the loggers and miners of Northern Ontario, where the brand gained a tough, blue-collar image.

Around 1990, Black Label had probably one of the most successful advertising campaigns ever made in Canada, which used the phrase "The Legend is Black." The genius of the advertising campaign came from the tendency for people in alternative music bars on Queen Street West in Toronto to drink Black Label because it was cheap and as a way to dissociate themselves from mainstream people drinking mainstream beer.


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Carling brewery

imageCarling brewery

Carling brewery was founded in London, Ontario, Canada in 1818. In 1952 Carling lager was first sold in the United Kingdom; in the early 1980s it became the UK's most popular beer brand (by volume sold). The company changed hands numerous times; it was acquired by Canadian Breweries Limited, which was eventually renamed Carling O'Keefe, which merged with Molson, which then merged with Coors to form Molson Coors Brewing Company. In South Africa the Carling brands are distributed by SABMiller.

The history of Carling dates back to 1818, when Thomas Carling, a farmer from the English county of Yorkshire, and his family settled in Upper Canada, at what is now the city of London, Ontario. He brewed an ale which became popular, and eventually took up brewing full-time. The first Carling brewery had two kettles, a horse to turn the grinding mill and six men to work on the mash tubs, and Carling sold his beer on the streets of London, Ontario from a wheelbarrow.

In 1840 Carling began a small brewing operation in London, selling beer to soldiers at the local camp. In 1878 his sons, John and William, built a six-storey brewery in London, which was destroyed by fire a year after opening. Thomas Carling, shortly after helping to fight the fire, died of pneumonia.

William and John took over the company, naming it the W & J Carling Brewing Co. John Carling died in 1911 and the company changed hands numerous times since. It was acquired by Canadian Breweries Limited, which was eventually renamed Carling O'Keefe, which merged with Molson, which then merged with Coors to form Molson Coors Brewing Company.


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Coors Light

imageCoors Light

Coors Light is a 4.2% ABV light beer brewed in Golden, Colorado and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was first produced in 1978 by the Coors Brewing Company.

The beer has a "Cold Certified" label which turns the mountains on the label from white to blue when the beer's temperature is lowered to 39 degrees fahrenheit. Coors Light has a "mountain icon" to represent the beer in place of the logo. The icon is a stylized drawing of a mountain with two peaks. The bottom has a tail that signifies movement.

Adolph Coors was born in 1847 in a German town known today as Wuppertal-Oberbarmen. At the age of 14 he began working at the Henry Wenker Brewery in Dortmund,. Adolph Coors considered that water was the key ingredient for a perfect beer. Therefore, he decided to locate Adolph Coors Company in Golden, Colorado in 1873. The Rocky Mountains are the primary source of the water used in the beer.

There were a number of trends occurring in the mid-1970s. Health was one of the most discussed topics in the American population. The baby-boomer generation was reaching their drinking age, and therefore they gave the beer drinking demographic a shift. They were concerned about their health, but they also wanted to drink beer. There was a growing interest in low-calorie beverages. In 1975, light beers made up only 1% of beer consumption in the United States, and by 1994, they accounted for 35% of all domestic beer sold in the United States. In 1978, Coors introduced the popular Coors Light brand.

Coors Light advertisings highlight the quality of the beer as the most refreshing place on earth. Additionally, Coors Light ads are designed to target young demographics. The stories behind the ads seek to capture the attention of young people, situating them in cool places they would like to be. Cavalry Agency out of Chicago, IL, is the current Advertising Agency for Coors Light. They are responsible for the 'Reach For The Cold' Campaign featuring the Coors Light Explorers. Additionally, on April 2013, the agency produced a Digital Video for Coors Light ad known as Coors Light the brewer ambushes a summer pool party with the frosty taste of winter. The T.V. ad was considered the ad of the week in the Adweek publication.


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Drewrys Extra Dry was a brand of Canadian beer established in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in 1877, and brewed for much of its history in South Bend, Indiana.

Besides its Canadian connection (sometimes sporting a picture of a Mountie on cans or labels), the main Drewrys claims to fame were that the beer was "more flavor; less filling; more fun!", years before the popularity of light beers, and also (with the advent of lighter aluminum cans) that a can of Drewrys would float in water, rather than sinking to the bottom of a bucket or tub.

Other themes employed on Drewrys cans included sports scenes, and also zodiac graphics and trivia.

The South Bend-based brewery was merged with Associated Brew Co. in 1963, making the Associated/Drewry's plants one of the largest breweries in the U.S. The plant was sold to G. Heileman Brewing Company of La Crosse, Wisconsin, in 1972. Heileman eventually chose to close the plant. The last cases of beer left the South Bend plant in November 1972. The Muessel-Drewry Brewery at South Bend was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2000. Heileman owned the brand until it was sold to the Evansville Brewing Co. of Evansville, Indiana. This plant was closed in 1997 and the brand was bought along with others by Pittsburgh Brewing Company, though it was never manufactured.

The Old Drewry's Brewery

Though Drewrys labelled beer last produced in 1997, Drewrys was purchased in 2011 by Chicago-based entrepreneur, Francis Manzo. The city of South Bend will be the site of launch for the rebranded beer as this was the location for Drewrys largest operation. Production is slated for 2013.

Drewrys originated in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, where it was known as Drewry’s Lake of the Woods Brewery. Edward Lancaster (E.L.) Drewry travelled to Winnipeg in 1875 by canoe via the Red River, commencing his journey from St. Paul, Minnesota. Two years later Drewry relocated his family from St. Paul to the Forks of the Red and Assiniboine where he purchased Redwood Brewery. He immediately began expanding the facility, where the production capacity was quickly increased from 4,000 bushels malt per month to 10,000 bushels malt.


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James Ready (beer)

James Ready Brewing Co. is a Canadian beer brand brewed at Moosehead Brewery. The brand has five types of lagers, each with a varying alcohol by volume value. These five types of beer from lightest to darkest are the James Ready Lager, the James Ready Light, the James Ready Original Ale, the James Ready 5.5, and the James Ready 6.0.

Ready Brewery was founded by James Ready in Saint John, a man from Ireland. Moosehead was founded by the Oland family in Nova Scotia. Moosehead Brewery's original founders, Susannah and John Oland, first named the brewery The Army and Navy Brewery, as most of their customers were soldiers. Two fires and one Halifax Harbour Explosion later, the Oland sons relocated Moosehead from Halifax to Saint John, buying the already established Ready Brewery and branding it as Moosehead Brewery by 1931. Now Canada's oldest brewery, Moosehead Brewery is operated by descendants of the Oland family.

The James Ready brand often interacts with their drinkers through unique yet simple advertising techniques. For example, under a James Ready beer bottle cap, there is a letter: a trademark of their beer company. In 2011, James Ready held a "Spelling Bee Lottery" with these letters. Twice a week, the brand posted videos on their Facebook page where a word was spelled out using the undersides of the bottle caps. The first participant to spell out the same word using bottle caps and post on the page would win a small trinket as a prize. Also using their Facebook page, James Ready created a campaign called the "Drinkers of Awesomeness Bottles." Drinkers posted their pictures on the brand's page to prove themselves as James Ready's most loyal drinker. Based on voting by Facebook followers, the top 100 entrants in the contest had their pictures turned into labels on James Ready beer bottles. These simple, Facebook-based techniques solidified James Ready's target market as college students, as those were the people who dominated the brand's Facebook page.

Collaborating with Leo Burnett advertising agency, James Ready prepares for expansion in 2012 and 2013. The brand's Facebook advertising was due to a small budget however with increased competition in the beer industry, James Ready aims to expand their market and their advertising techniques. Leo Burnett and James Ready's consumer interaction-focused advertising has highlighted their entertainment factor in the past, and now with plans to expand, the two are prepared to increase profits and gain more interest in the brand. James Ready plans to move across Western Canada and into the beer tap industry, opening their target market to older audiences, as opposed to being focused on Southern Ontario college students.


