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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Rivers of French Guiana
piglix posted in Places by Galactic Guru

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List of rivers of French Guiana

This is a list of rivers in French Guiana.

This list is arranged by drainage basin, with respective tributaries indented under each larger stream's name.


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Kourou (river)

imageKourou (river)

The Kourou is a 112 km long river in French Guiana. The town of Kourou is located at its estuary, which is generally used as a pleasure port.

Like the river Amazon, it has brown, muddy waters due to sediments picked up from the forest. A great many different fish species live in the river, and are used in the local diet.

Like many Guyanaise rivers, it is polluted by mercury, as a result of clandestine gold mining.


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La Mana River, French Guiana

The La Mana river is a river in western French Guiana. It runs north from central French Guiana to the town of Mana, where it flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Coordinates: Earth 5°27′00″N 53°40′05″W / 5.45°N 53.668°W / 5.45; -53.668


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The Koursibo is a 135 km long river in French Guiana. It rises in the centre of the country, flowing north until it reaches the river Sinnamary. Its eventual outflow is into the Atlantic Ocean.


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Lawa River (South America)

imageLawa River (South America)

Lawa River is a river of South America. It forms part of the international boundary between Suriname and French Guiana. It is formed by the confluence of the Litani and Malani. Downstream from its confluence with the Tapanahony, it is called Maroni.

After gold was discovered on the banks of the Lawa River, the governor of Suriname, Cornelis Lely, ordered the construction of the Lawa Railway in 1902. Construction of the railway line was halted when gold production in the area proved disappointing.


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Inini (river)

The Inini is a river in western French Guiana. It is a tributary of the Maroni River.


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Cayenne River

The Cayenne River is a 50 km-long river in French Guiana. Formed by the Cascades River and the Tonnégrande River, it flows into the Atlantic Ocean near the city of Cayenne, forming a large estuary, about 2 km long.

The river was prominently featured in both the movie and book Papillon by Henri Charrière.


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Camopi (river)

The Camopi is a 244 km long river in French Guiana. It rises in the south of the country, flowing northeast until it reaches the river Oyapock near the town of Camopi, on the border with Brazil.


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