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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Brand name confectionery
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Junior Mints

Junior Mints are a candy brand consisting of small rounds of mint filling inside a dark chocolate coating, with a dimple on one side. The product is currently produced by Tootsie Roll Industries, and is packaged in varying amounts from the fun-size box to the much larger 12.0 oz. box.

Junior Mints were introduced in 1949 by the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based James O. Welch Company. The company also manufactured candies and candy bars such as Sugar Babies, Welch's Fudge, and Pom Poms.

Welch was born in Hertford, North Carolina, attended the University of North Carolina, and then founded his Cambridge candy company in 1927. His partner in the company was his brother, Robert W. Welch, Jr., who retired from the confectionery business in 1956 and two years later founded the John Birch Society.

The name of the product is a pun on Sally Benson's Junior Miss, a collection of her stories from The New Yorker, which were adapted by Jerome Chodorov and Joseph Fields into a successful play. The play was directed by Moss Hart and ran on Broadway from 1941 to 1943. According to one past official company history, when James Welch developed and launched the product in 1949, he named the candy after his favorite Broadway show. Yet the candy came six years after the play had closed on Broadway. Current copy on the Junior Mints box incorrectly gives the date of the Broadway play as 1949. Some may argue that this is comparable to the "potato potato" scenario, as depending on how you read "named after a top Broadway play in 1949: "Junior Miss"", it may be interpreted that it is simply referring to the candy being named in 1949.


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Kalev (confectioner)


AS Kalev (2006–2012 Kalev Chocolate Factory AS) is an Estonian confectionery company. The company can trace its origins back two hundred years, the business that preceded the Maiasmokk cafe was founded in 1806, and is now owned by Kalev. The Kalev company is now a part of the industrial conglomerate Orkla Group. Since 2003, it has been based in Põrguvälja near Jüri, Rae Parish, Harju County.

The birth of the Estonian confectionery industry dates back to 1806 when a pastry cook, Lorenz Caviezel, opened a confectionery business in Tallinn at Pikk Street, where the Café Maiasmokk (Sweet Tooth) is located.

In 1864, the business, which had changed hands many times, came into the possession of Georg Johann Stude. After ten years of operation, Stude decided to expand the business: he bought a neighbouring house and in place of these two houses constructed a new and more solid building, which is still there.

Out of Stude’s production, marzipan figures and hand-made chocolate candies were in especially high demand. Stude’s sweets were known outside Estonia. Thus, for example, the court of the Russian tsar was a regular customer at the turn of the 20th century.

Recipes and working methods originating from Stude’s confectionery are still held in great esteem in today’s Kalev – to this day the marzipan figures are hand-made candies.

At the beginning of the 20th century there were other pioneers of the confectionery industry in Tallinn that could be considered as the predecessors of Kalev. Perhaps one of the most renowned was Kawe confectionery, founded in 1921 by brothers Karl and Kolla Wellner at Müürivahe Street 62. Kawe's products, the greatest confectionery in Estonia, were well known in Estonia and abroad, and the company exported a significant share of its output to destinations such as the United States, England, Tunisia, Morocco, France, India and China.

Of other big sweet producers of the time, the factories of Ginovker, Brandmann and Klausson should also be mentioned. At the end of the 1930s, Kawe and these three confectioneries employed 75% of all Estonian confectionery workers. Competing with big factories were a number of smaller enterprises: Riola, Endla, Eelis, Efekt and others.


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King Kong milk candy

imageKing Kong

King Kong is a Peruvian cuisine dessert. It is made of cookies (made from flour, butter, eggs and milk), filled with Peruvian blancmange, some pineapple sweet and in some cases peanuts, with cookies within its layers. It is sold in one-half and one kilogram sizes. It is known as part of the culture of Lambayeque Region and nowadays the makers of the dessert are grouped in the King Kong and Typical desserts Producers Association of Lambayeque City.

History tells us that by the 1930s, the famous movie King Kong, was being shown in the city. Popular citizens compared the mold and size of the sweet with the figure of the big gorilla, baptizing it since then with the name of King Kong. Previously it was known as «Alfajor de Trujillo» and had a circular shape, however the "King Kong" is usually rectangular but circular presentations can be found on the market. Nowadays there are many factories that specialize in making this sweet, the most recognized being the company San Roque and "Lambayeque fabrica de dulces", "Huerequeque", "Evocada", and "Tumbas Reales" among others.


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Kit Kat

imageKit Kat

Kit Kat is a chocolate-covered wafer bar confection created by Rowntree's of York, England, and is now produced globally by Nestlé, which acquired Rowntree in 1988, with the exception of the United States where it is made under license by H.B. Reese Candy Company, a division of The Hershey Company. The standard bars consist of two or four fingers composed of three layers of wafer, separated and covered by an outer layer of chocolate. Each finger can be snapped from the bar separately. There are many different flavours of Kit Kat.

Use of the name Kit Kat or Kit Cat for a type of food goes back to the 18th century, when mutton pies known as a Kit-Kat were served at meetings of the political Kit-Cat Club in London.

The origins of what is now known as the Kit Kat brand go back to 1911, when Rowntree's, a confectionery company based in York in the United Kingdom, trademarked the terms Kit Cat and Kit Kat. Although the terms were not immediately used, the first conception of the Kit Kat appeared in the 1920s, when Rowntree launched a brand of boxed chocolates entitled Kit Cat. This continued into the 1930s, when Rowntree's shifted focus and production onto its Black Magic and Dairy Box brands. With the promotion of alternative products the Kit Cat brand decreased and was eventually discontinued. The original four-finger bar was developed after a worker at Rowntree's York Factory put a suggestion in a recommendation box for a snack that "a man could take to work in his pack". The bar launched on 29 August 1935, under the title of Rowntree's Chocolate Crisp (priced at 2d), and was sold in London and throughout Southern England.

The product's official title of Rowntree's Chocolate Crisp was renamed Kit Kat Chocolate Crisp in 1937, the same year that Kit Kat began to incorporate "Break" into its recognisable advertising strategy. The colour scheme and first flavour variation to the brand came in 1942, owing to World War II, when food shortages prompted an alteration in the recipe. The flavour of Kit Kat was changed to dark chocolate; the packaging abandoned its Chocolate Crisp title, and was adorned in blue. After the war the title was altered to Kit Kat and resumed its original milk recipe and red packaging.


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Klene is a traditional brand of liquorice confectionery, founded in 1876 by Johannes Coenradus Klene in Rotterdam, and sold primarily in the Netherlands. It is as of 1999 owned by Perfetti Van Melle.

Klene has several different production lines including:


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Kopiko (confectionery)


Kopiko is a brand of coffee confectioneries originally produced in Indonesia by PT. Mayora Indah Tbk. 9 January 2000

The product contains extract from real coffee beans. Ingredients include sugar, glucose, coconut oil, coffee extract (4.9%), butter, soy lecithin, caramel color, salt, natural coffee flavour. The candy has a hard, smooth texture.

Kopiko Candy is available in over 45 countries. On their European packaging, distributors are listed for Benelux, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan.

A second variety is kosher, supervised by the KF Federation of Synagogues in London, UK. The second variety is no longer kosher certified by the KF Kosher Federation, though there might be products on the market, with Cholov Yisroel. The product is now yearly certified kosher by the STAR-D (non-Cholov Yisroel).


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imageHershey's Krackel

Krackel is a chocolate bar made by The Hershey Company.

Krackel contains milk chocolate and crisped rice and is a competitor to Nestlé Crunch, a chocolate bar made by Nestlé. Krackel originally sold as an individual chocolate bar product until 1997, and for 17 years available as one of the four varieties of Hershey's Miniatures until it was reintroduced as an individual candy bar in 2014. Introduced in 1938, Krackel used to have almonds in its formula, until peanuts were then added in the recipe in 1939, but both the almonds and peanuts were removed in 1941 to be replaced with the new crisped rice balls that measure approximatley 2mm. The product's packaging can be identified by its distinctive red background, white lettering, and yellow fine print.


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Laban Seigmenn

Laban Seigmenn is a brand of sweets produced for the Norwegian market.

Laban is a jellyman, which is one of the stretchy gummy candies that looks like an overly plump stick figure. This candy is made by Nidar AS since 1965.


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Laekrits, not to be confused with Laertes or (Swedish for liquorice), were milk chocolate oblate spheroid-shaped candies with hard licorice candy shells. Laekrits were produced by Cloetta USA Inc., a subsidiary of Cloetta.

They were originally introduced to the US market in 1998. The name was filed for trademark protection in 1995, the trademark was registered in 1997, and re-registration after 6 years did not take place, so the trademark protection lapsed in 2004, as the procedures for maintaining the rights did not take place.


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Laffy Taffy

Laffy Taffy is a brand of taffy manufactured by Nestlé and sold under their Willy Wonka Candy Company brand. Laffy Taffy is a brand of candy first produced in the 1970s as "Beich's (Name of Flavor) Caramels", though in fact they were fruit-flavored taffy squares. The original company later changed the name of the product to "Beich's Laffy Taffy", which occurred some years prior to the acquisition of distribution rights and later purchase of the product line by Nestlé. The candies are small (about 1.5 oz or 45 g) individually wrapped taffy available in a variety of artificial fruit flavors, as well as a chocolate mousse flavor. The candy was advertised as having a "long-lasting" flavor. In 2003, Wonka introduced a variety called "Flavor Flippers", a piece of taffy that had a soft center with a different flavor.

The name refers to both the texture of the taffy as well as its embodiment of silliness; jokes are written on the inside of each wrapper. For example: "What do you call a cow with no legs? -- Supper." Some jokes are pun-based, such as "What is Labor Day? -- That's when mommies have their babies." Other jokes are based on silly word play, such as "What's an owl's favorite subject? -- Owlgebra." These jokes are usually sent in by children who are credited on the wrapper. Laffy Taffy used to come in thick, square shaped pieces, but today, it is sold in thinner, rectangular shaped pieces. Laffy Taffy comes in many different colors and flavors, including green apple, strawberry, grape, banana, watermelon, blue raspberry and cherry. Rarer flavors include caramel apple, coconut, strawberries & cream, and pumpkin donut. Discontinued flavors include fruit punch, mango, strawberry banana, peppermint, chocolate, and hot cocoa.

Ingredients vary between flavors. The following ingredients are shown on wrappers or on the Willy Wonka website.

The following are less than 2%

The following depend on the flavors and colors


