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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Dairy-free frozen dessert brands
piglix posted in Food & drink by Galactic Guru

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Tofutti Brands Inc. is a US company founded by New York restaurateur David Mintz that makes a range of soy-based, dairy-free foods. Best known for ice cream substitute, Tofutti targets some niches such as the lactose-intolerant, kosher, food allergy sensitive, vegetarian and vegan markets.

In Canada, Tofutti-Cholac Foods has distributed Tofutti products to Canadian supermarkets, grocers, and healthy food stores since the late 1980s.

Aside from the ice cream substitute, the Tofutti brand also produces soy-based sour cream, cream cheese, sliced cheese, and "Better Than Ricotta" ricotta cheese, in addition to several entrees such as a dairy-free pizza. "Cuties" or "Tofutti Cuties", their version of the ice cream sandwich, has a variety of flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, mint chocolate chip and others.


