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Ilford HPS

HP5 plus
Maker Ilford Photo
Speed 400/27°
Push 3200/36°
Type B&W print
Process Gelatin-silver
Format 35mm, 120, sheets, disposable camera
Application General
Introduced 1989
Speed 400/27°
Type B&W
Introduced 1976
Discontinued 1989
Replaced by HP5 plus
Speed 400/27°
Type B&W
Introduced 1965
Discontinued 1989
Replaced by HP5
Speed 400/27°,
800/30° (1960)
Type B&W
Grain coarse
Introduced 1954
Discontinued 1998
Replaced by Delta 3200
Speed 125/22°,
200/24° (1952–53),
400/27° (1960)
Type B&W
Introduced 1941
Discontinued 1969
Replaced by HP4
Speed 200/24°
Type B&W
Introduced 1939
Replaced by HP3
Speed 160/23°
Type B&W
Introduced 1935
Discontinued 1939
Replaced by HP2

HP is a cubic-grain black-and-white film from Ilford Photo with a long history. It originated as Hypersensitive Panchromatic plates in 1931. Since then it has progressed through a number of versions, with HP5 plus (HP5+ for short) being the latest. The main competitor of Ilford HP5 Plus is Kodak Tri-X 400.

HP3 went through two speed changes in its history, but only one actual change to the emulsion. In 1960 the 200 ISO/ASA emulsion was relabelled as 400 ISO/ASA with no change to the product. The 200 ISO/ASA speed included an exposure safety margin, but with improvements in light meters this was deemed unnecessary, thus the speed was revised up to 400 ISO/ASA.

On September 23, 2005 Ilford reintroduced its black-and-white single-use camera which includes 27 exposures of HP5 plus film.

