Welcome to Night Vale is a podcast written by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor. The series narrates the daily events of Night Vale, a fictitious town in the Southwestern United States, in the format of a fortnightly radio show. The series has been running since June 2012, with an episode typically being released on the first and fifteenth day of each month. Alongside these, there have also been several live episodes that were performed during extensive tours across Europe and North America. Audio recordings of these live events have also been released. Additionally, several bonus episodes with guest writers were released during a short hiatus in November 2014.
Exclusive double-length shows have been performed live during Welcome to Night Vale's tours. Recordings of selected performances have been posted for sale on Bandcamp and the iTunes music store. "Old Oak Doors", the second anniversary live show, was split in two and released via the podcast as episode 49 in two parts. (see above).
The podcast took a hiatus from regular podcast episodes during November 2014. However, they produced two bonus episodes, composed of stories submitted for a book project that ultimately was not published. Further bonus episodes, excerpts from live shows, were subsequently released.
Beginning in 2016, the podcast planned a hiatus during the month of January every year. During this time, remixes of old episodes are released in lieu of regular episodes.