MIKE 11 is a computer program that simulates flow and water level, water quality and sediment transport in rivers, flood plains, irrigation canals, reservoirs and other inland water bodies. MIKE 11 is a 1-dimensional river model. It was developed by DHI.
MIKE 11 has long been known as a software tool with advanced interface facilities. Since the beginning MIKE 11 was operated through an efficient interactive menu system with systematic layouts and sequencing of menus. It is within that framework where the latest ‘Classic’ version of MIKE 11 – version 3.20 was developed.
The new generation of MIKE 11 combines the features and experiences from the MIKE 11 ‘Classic’ period, with the powerful Windows based user interface including graphical editing facilities and improved computational speed gained by the full utilization of 32-bit technology.
The computational core of MIKE 11 is a hydrodynamic simulation engine, and this is complemented by a wide range of additional modules and extensions covering almost all conceivable aspects of river modeling.
HD module: provides fully dynamic solution to the complete nonlinear 1-D Saint Venant equations, diffusive wave approximation and kinematic wave approximation, Muskingum method and Muskingum-Cunge method for simplified channel routing. It can automatically adapt to subcritical flow and supercritical flow. It has ability to simulate standard hydraulic structures such as weirs, culverts, bridges, pumps, energy loss and sluice gates.
GIS Extension: an extension of ArcMap from ESRI providing features for catchment/river delineation, cross-section and Digital Elevation Model(DEM) data, pollution load estimates, flood visualisation/animation as 2D maps and results presentation/analysis using Temporal Analyst.