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Political parties of Chile

This article lists political parties in Chile.

Chile has a multi-party system, within a system with two dominant coalitions.

As of September 2017 there are 28 legally constituted political parties in Chile.

Parties in green, as of September 2017, support the administration of President Michelle Bachelet.

aA fusion of the Chilean Social Democracy Party (Partido Socialdemocracia Chilena) and the Radical Party of Chile (Partido Radical de Chile).
bThe percentage of seats held by a party in each elected body is multiplied by a weighting factor, which is equal to the inverse value of that body's total seats divided by the summation of the inverse values of all bodies' total seats. The resulting weighted percentages are then summed together to obtain a party's "weighted representation" value. (Formula: [S/38^2+D/120^2+R/278^2+M/345^2+C/2224^2]/T, with T=1/38+1/120+1/278+1/345+1/2224, S=party senators, D=party deputies, R=party regional advisors, M=party mayors, C=party councilmen.)
cFigures updated with the December 2013-January 2014 party resignations of RN senators Antonio Horvath and Lily Pérez, and RN deputies Pedro Browne, Joaquín Godoy and Karla Rubilar; the August 2014 party resignation of RN deputy Gaspar Rivas; the October 2015 party resignations of RN mayors of Ñuñoa and Traiguén, Andrés Zarhi and Luis Álvarez, respectively, and RN councilmen of Las Condes, Limache and La Unión, Tomás Fuentes, Cynthia Marín and María Eugenia Márquez, respectively; the May 2016 party resignation of RN deputy Germán Verdugo; the July 2016 party resignation of RN senator Manuel José Ossandón; and the September 2016 party resignation of RN deputy José Manuel Edwards.
dFigures updated with, the July 2013 party resignation of UDI mayor of Santo Domingo Fernando Rodríguez Larraín; the January 2014 death of Yumbel mayor Camilo Cabezas (PH) and its subsequent replacement with independent councilman Jaime Gacitúa, who in turn was replaced with Fredy Winter from the UDI; the June 2015 party resignation of UDI councilman Francisco Vera; the October 2015 party resignation of UDI mayor of Rancagua Eduardo Soto; the November 2015 party resignations of UDI mayor of La Florida Rodolfo Carter and UDI councilman of Lo Barnechea Carlos Ward; the January 2016 party resignation of UDI senator Jaime Orpis; the May 2016 death of UDI mayor of Pinto Fernando Chávez; and the May 2016 party resignation of UDI deputy José Antonio Kast.
eA fusion of the Broad Social Movement (Movimiento Amplio Social) and the Northern Force Party (Partido Fuerza del Norte). Figures updated with the September 2016 party resignation of MAS senator Alejandro Navarro.
fFigures updated with the September 2014 expulsion of Providencia councilman Rodrigo García Márquez from his party (PPD); the October 2015 party resignation of PPD councilman of Los Andes Julio Lobos; the April 2016 party resignation of PPD deputy Pepe Auth; and the August 2016 party resignation of PPD regional advisor Teodoro Aguirre.
gFormerly known as Christian Left (Izquierda Cristiana).
hFormerly known as ChileFirst (ChilePrimero).
iFigures updated with the October 2015 party resignations of PS mayors of San Vicente de Tagua Tagua, Los Lagos and Coltauco, Jaime González, Simón Mansilla and Rubén Jorquera, respectively; and the October 2016 party resignation of PS councilwoman for Valparaíso Paula Quintana.
jFigures updated with the October 2015 party resignation of DC councilwoman of Concepción Alejandra Smith; the May 2016 party resignation of DC deputy René Saffirio; and the August 2017 party resignation of DC deputy Sergio Espejo.
kBefore October 2015, known as Fuerza Pública ("Public Force").
lConsiders itself to be the continuation of the same-named party founded in 1932.
mA fusion of Regional and Popular Front, Green North Regional Force, Social Agrarian Regionalist Independent Movement and We Are Aysén parties.

