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The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo

Drew Weing is an American comic artist. Debuting in 2010 with the black-and-white graphic novel Set to Sea, Weing went on to create the webcomic The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo. Together with his wife Eleanor Davis, Weing has taught cartooning classes at the University of Georgia. Weing is large fan of the serialized aspect of webcomics.

Drew Weing debuted in 2010 with the black-and-white graphic novel Set to Sea. The book, containing very little dialogue, features Popeye-like character designs combined with highly detailed backgrounds. Set to Sea presents one large panel on each of the graphic novel's 140 pages. The story of Set to Sea parodies Boys' Own tales such as Treasure Island and Captains Courageous, as it "[follows] the transition from innocence to experience for an aspiring poet kidnapped and forced into sailor life." Set to Sea was intended only as a small and experimental side project, with Weing initially drawing a single panel every day. However, as the single panels started to take him multiple days to complete, Weing realized that the comic had turned into a worthwhile story.

Since 2009, Weing and his wife Eleanor Davis have been teaching cartooning at the University of Georgia as part of its "Summer Academy" program. Their students, 11-17 year old children, were taught various aspects of comics, though Weing noted that the best things for them to do was to "basically to keep out of the kids’ way and let them have fun," in order to keep the children from getting self-conscious.

In August 2015, Weing co-published a comic book with his wife titled Flop to the Top!. Published through Toon Books, the book is intended for first- and second-grade children and features a "silly and amiable fable of viral fame."

Since February 2014, Drew Weing has been running the webcomic The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo, about a boy named Charles Thompson who moves to a monster-ridden apartment building. The title character Margo Maloo is a "monster mediator" who helps sort out the situation. A print version of Margo Maloo was published by First Second in September 2016. The webcomic started out as a collaboration between Weing and his wife as they were trying to come up with a pitch for a one-page serial comic for Nickelodeon Magazine. The character Margo was created by passing a sketchbook back and forth, "tweaking her design and adding details." Though the serial never happened, Weing kept the idea in mind for years. Eventually, he realized the character need a sidekick: Weing described early designs for Charles as a "shrimpy, nervous little kid," but the more assertive Charles formed shortly after. Though Weing has an ending for the story planned, he is planning to continue the story indefinitely as "there are an infinite amount of monster misunderstandings in Echo City" and he wants to chronicle as many of Margo's adventures as he can. The Los Angeles Times described the first book as "just the beginning of [the characters'] adventures."

