14:29, Thursday, April 20, 2017 (UTC)
Hi and welcome! I'm Andrew Alder.
Some of my user space pages here:
some more useful than others...
2005 Fender Jaguar Baritone Custom. Identical to the successor model the Fender Jaguar Bass VI Custom except for the headstock decal (representing < one cm2 of paint), and not a baritone in anything but name, in both senses continuing the proud Fender tradition regarding names. Note the two pickups, presence of the upper circuit, and fixed bridge tailpiece. It's a typical retro instrument; It's exactly what people think they remember Jack Bruce playing but of course he didn't, the retro is fiction, and it's the right instrument for creating something brand new based on this fiction. Also it's too short for the Jazz Bass case! That was the best Fender Australia could do (it comes in a soft gig bag). I love the Fender Jaguar electrics, other than that I like to keep it very simple.
Two electric 12 strings, both fairly interesting. Top is a Shergold Modulator 12. Bottom is a Maton Magnetone TB36/12, only 37 built (including some with three pickups). I loved the concept of the modular electrics, but in practice found them a dismal failure.
Anne-Marie I, my musical partner 1973-2009, lost in the St Andrews fire.
A Rosa Hurricane and a Maton Freshman. See , and for some, um, discussion of them. Skiffle reject indeed! The Maton, an excellent instrument, was also lost in the fire. The Rosa, built as a piece of junk but somehow using good components, has with some repairs and other TLC turned out excellent... good neck, two nice humbuckers, basic classic passive electrics, body does the job standing or sitting and looks in-your-face, nice tuners... what more dya want..? Oh, be nice if it fitted a flight case... paid twice as much for the case as I did for the guitar... and worth every penny...
Eston fretless ABG. Yeah, I did say Also lost in the fire.