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Armbrust in a forest on 27 July 2014
Armbrust in a forest on 20 December 2015
Name Gábor Tóth
Gender Male
Languages See there
Birth date (1985-04-15) 15 April 1985 (age 32)
Birth place Szombathely, Vas County
Current location Szombathely, Vas County
Country  Hungary
Time zone CET/CEST
Height 1.86 m (6 ft 1 in)
Weight 108 kg (238 lb; 17.0 st)
Hair Brown
Eyes Green, short-sighted
Handedness Right-handed
Blood type A Rh Negative
Sexuality Heterosexual
Family and friends
Marital status Single
Siblings One brother.
Pets A dog.
Education and employment
Employer Human Operator
Education Bachelor of Education
(Mathematics and German language and literature)
College University of West Hungary
Contact info
Website My homepage
Email armbrust@vipmail.hu
Facebook Gábor Tóth on Facebook
Google+ Gábor Tóth on Google+
YouTube Gábor Tóth's channel on YouTube
Flickr FlickR photo-stream on Flickr
Account statistics
Joined (2008-12-03) 3 December 2008 (age 8)
First edit (2008-12-03)3 December 2008
Edit count 280,749+
File mover
Signature Armbrust

May 29: International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers; Democracy Day in Nigeria; Memorial Day in the United States (2017)

G. K. Chesterton (b. 1874) · John F. Kennedy (b. 1917) · Joyce Yakubowich (b. 1953)

Charles II of England (1630–1685) was king of England, Scotland and Ireland. He was king of Scotland from 1649 from his father's execution until being deposed by Oliver Cromwell in 1651, and king of England, Scotland and Ireland from the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 until his death. Internationally, Charles became involved in the Second and Third Anglo-Dutch Wars. Domestically, Charles attempted to introduce religious freedom for Catholics and Protestant dissenters with his 1672 Royal Declaration of Indulgence, but the English Parliament forced him to withdraw it.

Painting: John Michael Wright or studio

