Articles that need... assessment (2,609) (3,770) • attention (214) • creation • infoboxes (4,568) • maps (1,459) • photographs (2,018) • reassessment (12) • subprojects (110)
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To achieve the goals, this project group has developed features to help in managing its creative work. It includes Departments, which coordinate work on certain tasks, such as peer review or project-wide collaboration and Work Groups, and focus on content and articles related to India, such as cities, politics and culture.
The outreach department guides its members on strengthening the sense of community in this project. Members' tasks include welcoming new members in the project, helping other editors in the project, managing the newsletters and helping the general project community to be in touch.
The ratings are done in a distributed fashion through parameters in the {{}} project banner; this causes the articles to be placed in a set of categories that serves as the basis for an automatically generated worklist.